Lyng Hall Governance

The Governing Body are the strategic leaders of our school and have a vital role to play in promoting high standards of educational achievement and making sure that every child fulfills their potential.

Governors meet twice a term and have a strong focus on three core strategic functions:

  • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;
  • Hold the Headteacher to account for the education performance of the school and its pupils;
  • Oversee the financial performance of the school and make sure its money is well spent.
Name Status Appointed Category Pecuniary Interests
Paul Green Headteacher 01.01.04 Trustee of Achievement for All

Trustee of Fridays

Drew Cook Staff 29.09.22 Staff Staff
Oladimeji Kazeem Parent 24.01.23 Parent Parent of current pupil
Robert Pinner Co-opted 23.01.20 Trust PET-XI employee
Alan Rouse Parent 15.11.04 Parent
Ghulam Vohra Chair 14.11.96 Trust Governor of Eden School,

Vice-Chair of Coventry Muslim Forum,

Trustee of Umar Education & Welfare Team

Louise Wilson Staff 25.03.21 Staff Staff


Meeting Attendance Table

Meeting Attendance 2019-2020 Meeting Attendance 2020-2021 Meeting Attendance 2021-2022 Meeting Attendance 2022-2023 Meeting Attendance 2023-2024
Paul Green or Acting HT 3 of 4 6 of 6 4 of 4 6 of 6 6 of 5
Drew Cook 4 of 6 4 of 6
Oladimeji Kazeem 2 of 4 4 of 6
Bob Pinner 2 of 2 6 of 6 3 of 3 3 of 6 5 of 6
Alan Rouse 3 of 4 1 of 2 2 of 4 5 of 6 3 of 6
Ghulam Vohra 3 of 4 6 of 6 4 of 4 6 of 6 6 of 6
Louise Wilson 3 of 3 3 of 4 6 of 6 5 of 6

Finham Park Multi-Academy Trust Governance

  • Our formal structures are designed to give robust oversight and management of our schools, without unnecessarily restricting innovation. We have five Members, including the Trust chairman Mr Peter Burns MBE, who are responsible for appointing Directors to the Trust Board.
  • Trust Directors provide strategic oversight and ensure the Trust meets it legal obligations, both directly and through committees.
  • Formulation of strategy and day to day operations are delegated to the Executive Headteacher, Mr Mark Bailie. He is supported by our school Headteachers and professional experts within our central support services team..
  • Our Headteachers are challenged and supported by Local Governing Bodies. Our governors are largely appointed, ensuring we have the balance of skills required to oversee a modern school.
  • Parental opinion is gathered through three elected parent governors..
  • Our Headteachers also frequently meet with parents at open evenings and other events, and all our schools operate a Student Voice model to encourage young people to take an active part in their own education.